Fan Art – Through Other Eyes
Lissanne Lake
Since it was Lafferty’s stories that long ago caused her to choose a career in illustration, it was always an especial honor when chosen to paint his book covers. Among the 200 or so covers are included Sinbad: The Thirteenth Voyage, Lafferty in Orbit, and recently the first three Feast of Laughter covers. These and more of her work, covers, and otherwise (and more Lafferty) can be found on her Facebook page, the Fantastic Art of Lissanne Lake <>.

– R.A. Lafferty, “Days of Grass, Days of Straw“
Art by Lissanne Lake

“No. None of them is. The best ones are shockingly imperfect.”
– R.A. Lafferty, “Love Affair with Ten Thousand Springs“
Art by Lissanne Lake

Bound with intengent tethers!
Beware the dreamy falcon if
He ever grows some feathers.
– R.A. Lafferty, Fourth Mansions
Art by Lissanne Lake

– R.A. Lafferty, Lafferty in Orbit
Art by Lissanne Lake
The semi–anonymous artist who goes by Whythesun was born in Sardinia, Italy, and currently lives around Europe.

– R. A. Lafferty, Fourth Mansions
Art by Whythesun

– R. A. Lafferty, Fourth Mansions
Art by Whythesun
Anthony Ryan Rhodes
Anthony Ryan Rhodes is a Tulsa native living in Florida. He has done freelance illustrations for Google and small businesses and is a regular contributor to the Lafferty fanzine Feast of Laughter. He keeps an artist’s blog at <>.

– R. A. Lafferty, Fourth Mansions
Art by Anthony Ryan Rhodes

– R. A. Lafferty, “Ride a Tin Can“
Art by Anthony Ryan Rhodes

– R. A. Lafferty, “Thus We Frustrate Charlemagne”
Art by Anthony Ryan Rhodes

– R. A. Lafferty, “Royal Licorice”
Art by Anthony Ryan Rhodes
Yakov Varganov
Yakov Varganov is a research biologist and a writer-illustrator. His interest in Lafferty‘s writing was initiated by a Russian translation of “Slow Tuesday Night” published in “Esli” magazine. Following his immigration to the US in 1997 he started collecting and reading all Lafferty works he could find. Currently he resides in New Jersey and works on a series of new illustrations for his favorite Lafferty stories.

“Sure. It is broke like I said. Haven’t you parts to fix it?”
“There are no parts that would avail. One dies completely.”
“Bad design. Give it to me. Maybe I can fix it.”
– R.A. Lafferty, “Pani Planet “
Art by Yakov Varganov

– R.A. Lafferty, “Pani Planet“
Art by Yakov Varganov

– R.A. Lafferty, “Thieving Bear Planet“
Art by Yakov Varganov

– R.A. Lafferty, “Aloys“
Art by Yakov Varganov
Bill Rogers
Bill Rogers, a native of Tampa, Florida, has been creating original art since his childhood. His drawings and paintings are inspired by folklore, mythology, and dreams. More recently he has produced a series of works inspired by the stories and novels of R.A. Lafferty. <>

– R.A. Lafferty, Fourth Mansions
Art by Bill Rogers

– R.A. Lafferty, Archipelago
Art by Bill Rogers

– R.A. Lafferty, “Boomer Flats“
Art by Bill Rogers

– R.A. Lafferty, “From the Thunder Colt’s Mouth“
Art by Bill Rogers
Wow! This is powerful and wonderful stuff. I love everyone’s work here. You should reach out to R. Ward Shipman to see if he’d like to include some of his Lafferty-inspired work! Thank you for adding this amazing page!